Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Khashoggi's Disappearance

#roguekillers mighta done it.
that 400 pound election hacker guy sitting on his bed mighta crafted it.

after all, we should all believe dictators, because they always tell the truth, when they say "I didn't do it."

AND, do ya think being a Washington Post reporter has anything to do with the President siding with Saudi Arabia?

Kinda makes you wonder what would have happened if it had been a Fox News reporter.

Sunday, October 14, 2018


The more I think about it, the more I like it!
Kanye and Donald for 2020!
Can you imagine the possibilities!?


Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Hiring a Contract Killer?

Dear Mr Pope,

I hear you saying that having an abortion is like 'hiring a contract killer.'

I reckon that Catholic (and other religious) priest raping children is like being your own contract killer.

Just sayin'.

Thursday, October 4, 2018

#WhiteMenDontGetIt #WhiteMenDontCare

With the exception of the very few, White Men don't get sexually assaulted.

They don't get it. They don't know how it feels, and they never will. They don't get the fear. They don't get the mental and physical pain. They don't get the humiliation. They don't get the terrifying memories that stick with you, forever.

They excuse themselves by saying, "Aw, poor lady, it may have happened to her, but somebody else did it. She's wrong." Somehow she's wrong. She is a victim and she gets the death threats. People feel sorry for him.

White men don't get it. (or... they don't care?)

They don't get it.

They. Don't. Get. It.

The standard of the presidency and now the Supreme Court (well... again the Supreme Court) has reached a terribly low standard.