Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Oh, That Avenatti

Is this a comedy skit?!

So Stormy Daniels' lawyer Michael Avenatti is arrested on suspicion of domestic violence.

And he's thinking about running for President in 2020. He spoke at some "Democratic Wing Ding."

Sound like he's highly qualified with the latest of his many escapades. Sound like a humdinger of a candidate.

Should the Democrats be worried or rejoice?

Said Trump Never

"How can Hillary run the economy when she can't even send emails without putting entire nation at risk," Trump tweeted in June 2016. A month later, he tweeted this: "The invention of email has proven to be a very bad thing for Crooked Hillary in that it has proven her to be both incompetent and a liar!"

"How can Ivanka run the whatever she runs from the White House when she can't even send emails without putting entire nation at risk," Trump tweeted some day in the future. A month later, he'll tweet this: "The invention of email has proven to be a very bad thing for Crooked Ivanka in that it has proven her to be both incompetent and a liar!"

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Khashoggi's Disappearance

#roguekillers mighta done it.
that 400 pound election hacker guy sitting on his bed mighta crafted it.

after all, we should all believe dictators, because they always tell the truth, when they say "I didn't do it."

AND, do ya think being a Washington Post reporter has anything to do with the President siding with Saudi Arabia?

Kinda makes you wonder what would have happened if it had been a Fox News reporter.

Sunday, October 14, 2018


The more I think about it, the more I like it!
Kanye and Donald for 2020!
Can you imagine the possibilities!?


Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Hiring a Contract Killer?

Dear Mr Pope,

I hear you saying that having an abortion is like 'hiring a contract killer.'

I reckon that Catholic (and other religious) priest raping children is like being your own contract killer.

Just sayin'.

Thursday, October 4, 2018

#WhiteMenDontGetIt #WhiteMenDontCare

With the exception of the very few, White Men don't get sexually assaulted.

They don't get it. They don't know how it feels, and they never will. They don't get the fear. They don't get the mental and physical pain. They don't get the humiliation. They don't get the terrifying memories that stick with you, forever.

They excuse themselves by saying, "Aw, poor lady, it may have happened to her, but somebody else did it. She's wrong." Somehow she's wrong. She is a victim and she gets the death threats. People feel sorry for him.

White men don't get it. (or... they don't care?)

They don't get it.

They. Don't. Get. It.

The standard of the presidency and now the Supreme Court (well... again the Supreme Court) has reached a terribly low standard.

Monday, August 27, 2018

Farewell McCain

August 27 2018

He had just about everything you wish a real President had.

"We weaken our greatness when we confuse our patriotism with rivalries that have sown resentment and hatred and violence in all the corners of the globe. We weaken it when we hide behind walls rather than tear them down, when we doubt the power of our ideals rather than trust them to be the great force for change they have always been."

"Do not despair of our present difficulties, we believe always in the promise and greatness of America because nothing is inevitable here. "

Amen, McCain. Rest in Peace.

Saturday, August 25, 2018


August 25 2018


Do you think they could save taxpayers some money and we can #lockthemup together?

Friday, August 24, 2018

#impeachment #twofer

August 24 2018

Ooooh, I just can't stop, I'm on a roll!

Giuliani: "People would revolt against Trump impeachment"

Can we get a #twofer ? a #doubleimpeachment ? #impeachmentfortwo

Just Keep On Tweeting On: #justkeeptweeting

August 23 2018

I so love it when the President tweets. Sometimes I need a dictionary. Or a spell check. Or a rationality check. But they're always so entertaining. Particularly when he's feeling a bit edgy.

So, please, Just Keep On Tweeting. Yeah.

Rudy Guliani: #thegiftthatkeepsongiving

August 24 2018

The Gift That Keeps On Giving: That would have to be Rudy Guiliani.

Ohhhh, poor Rudy, he has come a long way since his admirable stint as mayor during the awful 911. I almost feel sorry for him now. (almost).

But undeniably, he is the gift that keeps on giving. Keep chatting away, Rudy!

ohhhh soooooo many hastags pop into my head lately!
Each one is so special, they should be their own blog entry.

Friday, March 2, 2018

EPIC FAIL - Again. Surprised?

March 1 2018

Once again, #DoNothingCongress ignores gun violence.
Even with a  majority Republican congress, they can do nothing.

They are so much more worried about what master Trump wants and so much more worried about losing their NRA donations than saving lives, they pretend nothing is happening.

Once again, EPIC FAIL.

Friday, February 16, 2018

Gun Control: Just Ask Paul #NowIsNotTheTime Ryan About It

February 16 2018

Now is not the time, says Paul Ryan, to talk about gun control, after 17 people were killed in the high school in Florida, in YET AGAIN, ANOTHER massacre in America and YET AGAIN, in a school. 

I guess it's um... not the time when people are grieving.

Jan 4 - Michigan (1 dead)
Now is not the time.
Jan 4 - Seattle, Washington
Now is not the time.
Jan 9 - Iowa
Now is not the time.
Jan 10 - Cal State, San Bernadino, California
Now is not the time.
Jan 10 - Grayson College, Texas
Now is not the time.
Jan 10 - Arizona (1 dead)
Now is not the time.
Jan 15 - Marshall, Texas
Now is not the time.
Jan 20 - Wake Forest University (1 dead)
Now is not the time.
Jan 22 - New Orleans, Louisiana
Now is not the time.
Jan 22 - Italy, Texas
Now is not the time.
Jan 23 - Benton, Kentucky (2 dead)
Now is not the time.
Jan 25 - Mobile, Alabama
Now is not the time.
Jan 26 - Dearborn, Michigan
Now is not the time.
Jan 31 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (1 dead)
Now is not the time.
Feb 1 - California
Now is not the time.
Feb 5 - Minnesota
Now is not the time.
Feb 5 - Maryland
Now is not the time.
Feb 8 - Bronx, NY
Now is not the time.
Feb 15 - Florida (17 dead)
Now is not the time.

How about just a few of the other mass shootings, a little further back.

November 5 2017 - 25 dead
Now is not the time.
October 1 2017 - Las Vegas Massacre - 58 dead
Now is not the time.
June 12 2016 - Florida nightclub - 49 dead
Now is not the time.
December 2 2015 - San Bernadino - 14 dead
Now is not the time.
December 14 2012 - Sandy Hook Elementary - 26 dead
Now is not the time.
(need I go on)

When is the time? With all the school and mass shootings, we are always in mourning. Convenient for those who justify doing NOTHING.

So, Paul #NowIsNotTheTime Ryan, when is the time?